[perfsonar-user] No test data on measurement archive node.
Sal Ghani
2021-03-17 14:49:02 UTC
Hello Szymon Trocha, good insight! I reviewed the Esmond authentication on the MA and noticed incorrect IPs for the pS nodes. Once that was corrected, the dashboard began displaying results! Thanks much!

[A picture containing text, sign Description automatically generated]

Sal Ghani
Systems/Network Engineer
Lonestar Education and Research Network

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From: Szymon Trocha <***@man.poznan.pl>
Organization: PCSS
Date: Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 2:09 AM
To: Sal Ghani <***@tx-learn.net>
Cc: "perfsonar-***@internet2.edu" <perfsonar-***@internet2.edu>
Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] No test data on measurement archive node.

W dniu 11.03.2021 o 01:50, Sal Ghani pisze:
Hello all, I’m having trouble bringing up a measurement archive (MA) node for a subset of perfSONAR (pS) nodes on our network. The basic issue is that I have published a simple psconfig template for a mesh setup on the MA node but am not receiving any test results in Esmond on the MA.

Hi Sal Ghani,

Steps seem to be fine. Just to verify completeness of your work: did you configure esmond authentication in MA (as per http://docs.perfsonar.net/multi_ma_install.html#authenticating-by-ip-address) ?

Is there any firewall between or on MA that may block traffic?

On the host use also "pscheduler monitor" to see if pscheduler tasks are running and completing on schedule

Also you may look at /var/log/maddash/psconfig-maddash-agent.log for errors

Szymon Trocha
Poznań Supercomputing & Networking Center
General NOC phone +48 61-858-2015 | noc.pcss.pl<http://noc.pcss.pl>
Personal desk phone +48 61-858-2022
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